Friday, September 3, 2010

Sharing the Tie Dyed Hippy Experience

Besides all the time spent actually creating the products and reveling in the unveiling of a new and awesome wearable art design, there's a LOT to all this 21st century information highway sharing of my every move in the tie-dye world.

I am a BIG fan of automation since whatever I have to REMEMBER to do, but can have set up to do automatically will have a better chance of actually getting DONE. So I'm all for the scheduled blog posts and the zen-cart mods that will auto tweet and auto Facebook our new products.

I have taken it a step further and have NetworkedBlogs app on FB set up to take my blog posts and share them on my FB profile page. And at YouTube, when I upload a new video, it's shared with Facebook and Twitter.

There is a slight drawback to all this. Seems I can't make a peep without my every little move being broadcast across the net, instantly reaching out to the masses.

I found out just what a drawback this can be yesterday when I was trying to create a demo video at Screen Toaster about how to add a product to a zen-cart. I made a test product (luckily it was priced at $1000 so nobody would jump all over it) and added it to my zen-cart.

Within less than a minute I was IM'd by my sister/fellow hippy tie-dye partner who was laughing that I was trying to sell "Test Product" for a grand. Of course, I am such a space cadet that I had forgotten all the nifty instant/automated sharing contraptions I had set up and just scratched my head uttering a clueless "huh?" in response. That didn't help, since, as I said, we were IMing and she didn't hear me.

Then my heart skipped a beat as the few remaining synapses in my brain left untouched by my MS connected in a panic and the red lights flashed and all I could think of was "you can't un-ring a bell!!!"

Luckily you CAN delete a Facebook post and a Twitter tweet, so that's what I went and did, hoping that anyone who saw Test Product for sale would realize I wasn't selling something from my separate and compartmentalized alter ego who is currently undergoing scrutinization in a clinical trial .

So yes, the sharing is cool, and it gathers people to unite as one in a sharing web of experience, but it can also be a major PITA if you don't remember this stuff. Thank goodness I didn't use a really weirdly funny title or something that would be even more embarrassing to have shared. :P (no, I'm not giving examples).

If I could remember how I got everything set up to do all this automated stuff, I might write a really useful post about how you can also do this. Quite honestly, though, I was stumped at first about how my test product got to Facebook without any help from me. Scary to know the ship is sailing but there's nobody at the helm.

Welcome to my world. It's no wonder all my tie-dyes are one of a kind. I can't remember how I do them.

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